Tada Never Falls In Love Episode 9: First Love, it’s Tough

I’ve been there. The moment when your in love with someone, but something is preventing you expressing your feelings. It’s hard and you think it’s the end of the world. Thank goodness God gave us cats. I’ve cried into my own kitty’s fur on many an occasion.


Teresa is in love with Tada. Unfortunately she is promised to marry another and will become the queen of a European Country, which prevents her from acting on her feelings. It’s hard and everyone can clearly see the strain she is under even if they don’t understand why.

Luckily, the rain is here to wash away some of strain and heaviness for a while. A series like this would be no fun if it only dwelt on the heaviness that is laying on Teresa’s heart. Let’s run in the rain instead. I almost did this last night. It was raining really heavily at my house when I got home from work, but I knew I didn’t want to wash my work clothes over night. Instead I just enjoyed the simple pitter patter as I lay in my bed getting ready to fall asleep. I should have just run around in the rain and washed the clothes anyway.


Unfortunately, the result of Tada getting wet is a horrible cold with 104 degree fever. Why does every cold in Anime turn into a nearly life threatening event that usually seems to end just short of the hospital? Still, it does push the plot along and pulls Teresa from believing she’ll be fine if she bottles her feelings up, to believing she’ll never be able to keep them inside without breaking into a million pieces.


In the meantime, Alec is opening impossible to open jars. You go girl! Here’s a tip everyone. If you are right handed and can’t open it by pulling on the lid, switch to your left hand and push it open. It almost always works for me. I’ve even opened up jars that my brother couldn’t.


This series is doing a wonderful job of portraying a young girl experiencing her first love. Like I said, I understand what Teresa is going through. I do. It is hard, but it isn’t the end of the world. Everything seems bigger and more important to Teresa and she goes back and forth between believing she can shut off her feelings to believing she’ll never be able to get over them. I really hope the series continues to portray things in this way and I hope it keeps everything else light hearted.I

The only way I could see the writers ruining the series at this point is to pull a Romeo and Juliet type ending. I fully believe its important to keep Teresa’s future set in stone, this is just a part of her life that is going to shape who she is in the future. I think, that by overcoming this, she’ll become a wonderful queen and a wonderful wife.


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